Sarah Britten Art

Paintings in lipstick

Sketches for Kipling in Johannesburg

My next exhibition will coincide with the Rand Club’s 125th anniversary. They’re deeply entwined in the fabric of Johannesburg and its history, both subjects I explore in my work, so the association makes sense for both of us. As part of the celebrations, they’ll be re-enacting a dinner at which Rudyard Kipling spoke:

Email flyer - special event  -  Rudyard Kipling dinner final Oct  2012

To coincide with this, I’ll be exhibiting several works inspired by the Just So stories, which were amongst my favourite when I was a child. This sketch is for a work inspired by How The Leopard Got His Spots:

How the Leopard Got His Spots

I’ll also be tackling How The Rhino Got His Skin, The Cat That Walked by Himself, The Elephant’s Child and The Butterfly That Stamped.




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