Sarah Britten Art

Paintings in lipstick

In The Media

The Citizen, 18 July 2012: Great Britten – an interview with Bruce Dennill which includes my doodles from our chat.

The Inspiration Room, 11 July 2012. Land Rover Pulse of the City Art.

Mail & Guardian, 5 July 2012: Trekking Across Gondwanaland – the story of what led to the Pulse of the City exhibition, through the lens of the experience of the returned emigrant.

Business Day, June 2012: From Loopy, Much Lipstick Flows (trust that subeditor to pick up on my throwaway comment on “going quietly loopy” when I first started painting back in 2002!)

The Citizen, June 2012: Tweet your thoughts about Jozi (about #JoziTweetArt)

Looklocal, May 2012: Art with Heart (I get a mention as the lipstick artist)

Rosebank Killarney Gazette, January 2012: A different type of art (coverage of my work for sale in Anima, which has since closed)

One thought on “In The Media

  1. I heard part of an interview on the BBC in the middle of the night last night. Finally found you on the internet. I want to know how you stabilize your work and do you have to display it away from sunlight? Does the temperature of one’s home create a problem if too warm. It get’s really hot in the summer where I live. I would like to know how one takes care of this artwork. Love it!

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